Many people want to save enough money for their future so that they can retire and enjoy their life in a peaceful manner. They always worry about how much money would be enough so that they can survive the rest of their lives without having to work. In this regard, let us discuss some crucial issues you need to consider when you are planning to retire. While some people feel that having one crore is sufficient to retire, few others feel that they need more than 5 crores to be able to lead a comfortable life in future. Factors to consider before planning your retirement There are many factors you need to consider before thinking about retirement. Remember that it is not a simple decision to take in your life and you will be leaving a steady source of income in most cases when you retire from work. The job market is very competitive and it may not be very easy to get a suitable job in future when you stop working for few years. In this situation, if you are past the age of 50 ...